Dear Friends,
As we come to the end of 2019 and enter into the year 2020 tomorrow, Teri and I are filled with peace, contentment and gratitude. We are grateful to God for all He has done – beginning with sending His son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins and redeem our sinful lives so that we can have relationship – friendship – intimacy with God.
This brings such a freedom from the past and hope for the future.
We are thankful that God called us to come to a struggling church in Placerville 20 years ago – a small group of wonderful people who welcomed us and our leadership and who quickly became Westside Church International. We are grateful for the growth in numbers over these 20 years but more for the spiritual growth that has taken place – healing, restoration, foundations being re-laid, strengthened and fortified for steps of moving closer to Jesus! We are thankful for the expansion of Westside into Cameron Park and the amazing group of people there who are carrying the torch. We are thankful for the growth and refining in us as a couple over these past 20 years.
We are excited about the future! This world is full of evil and tragedy… BUT GOD! This state of California is full of challenges as we seemingly have no control over new laws and philosophies and values… BUT GOD! The financial systems of this world are so very fragile and undependable… BUT GOD!
We believers have a great and awesome opportunity to make a difference starting with our lives, moving to our families, our neighbors, those we work with, go to school with, connect with. How?
By intentionally
spending time with Him, becoming more like Him, practicing HIS ways.
If we would, starting with us, act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with our God… Micah 6:8.
If we would humble ourselves and pray and seek His face and turn from our wicked ways… 2 Chronicles 7:14.
If we would, under the power of the Holy Spirit “go about doing good…” as Jesus did (Acts 10:38), we will begin to see fruit following our lives. We can love and lead others by walking in the ways of Jesus, by “seeing” them as someone God loved enough to die for and by relying on the strength of the Holy Spirit to become more like Him.
We can’t emphasize enough the vital need of having strong and healthy relationships with one another. We can’t have “shadows,” unresolved conflict or distance.
We need each other!
We strengthen one another and spur each other on to love and good deeds. Welcome input and prodding from others. Love one another!
Our theme for 2020 is:
The Love of God
to us and through us!
Let’s receive and grow in this area.
It became evident this last weekend that there are many who are sick with colds and flu. We are praying for you to get healed, healthy and whole! We are praying for those who haven’t gotten sick to stay healthy and whole! Take care of yourselves! Get rest!
We love you all and are looking forward to an amazing year beginning tomorrow! It’s a new year and can be a fresh start for many. If you don’t like the term New Year’s Resolutions, then make declarations of faith for your God given dreams and goals! When we ask according to His will He loves to come along side us in those dreams!
And remember, we don’t make it happen (other than being obedient and doing according to the strategy He’s given us)… we rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to accomplish all He wants to do in and through us!
That makes it so much easier!
Here’s some practical help for you…
Attend a weekend service regularly.
Get in a Small Group!
Participate in the Financial Peace University class, beginning Tuesday 1/7.
Participate in All Church Prayer, Wednesday 1/8.
Participate in our Bible School Spring Session, beginning Tuesday 3/24 (watch for info on several classes).
Friends, here’s to 2020 … let’s do this!
Steve and Teri