Here’s a question:
How come some churches do really well and others… not so well? Why do some churches impact their region for a long time while others seem to be… “a flash in the pan?”
Let me give you a couple of my thoughts. One reason why churches may not impact or last is because local churches are not THE church. The church universal which is comprised of all believers from across the centuries, will last and will impact because Jesus said “I will build My church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” Christ’s church will last… local churches will come and go.
That’s just the way it is.
What then can the local church do to impact and last?
2. Second, both churches placed priority on the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in their meetings.
3. Next, they transformed society (led by the Spirit) by impacting areas of business, culture, social justice, marriages, godliness in the marketplace, etc..
4. And finally, they both had an outward focus, an apostolic heart. It wasn’t about them, it was about telling the world about the Good News of Jesus Christ and fulfilling the Great Commission by discipling the nations.
We need pioneers in each of these areas. We need those out there to excel in each of these four streams. But, we don’t need to throw out the areas we’re not interested in or feel called to. We need them all!
Love you Guys,
“Each of you is a part of it.” 1 Cor12:27
*portions from a previous blog