What’s Important?
Hey Westside,
A few years ago my dad died. Almost 30 people including my mom, all the kids, most of the spouses, and many grandkids, had gathered at his bedside and we began to sing some of his favorite hymns. He could not speak or even acknowledge our presence, but as we sang tears began to run down his cheeks.
Look Up!
Hey Westside,
There is a story told of a baby eagle that was separated from its’ mother and then raised by a farmer in a chicken coup. The eaglet grew up observing the chickens. They pecked in the dirt all day long in a meager, mundane, existence.
Rightly Governed
Hey Westside,
George Washington, our nation’s first president, said: “A Nation cannot be rightly governed without God and the Bible.” I am so thankful for a legacy of godly men and women in this nation who paved the way for the freedoms that have made this country so great. I am so thankful for the endless opportunity we have in our country to work, give, and create. I am so thankful for family and friends to share our lives with.
Through the Flames
Hey Westside,
Have you ever heard of Chaparral? Chaparral is a collection of low-lying hearty plants and shrubs that live in certain climate zones with moist, mild winters and long, dry summers. There are many fires in the Chaparral because of the heat and dryness and some of the plants were made to survive on through the fires. You see, their seeds will lie dormant, often for years and years until there is a fire. Then, in the intense heat of the firestorm, their seed casings will crack and the seed will sprout, only when it has “passed through the fire.”
The One worth holding on to
Hey Westside,
I was laying awake the other night and as I was redeeming the time by praying and spending the passing moments with the Lord, I saw a quick picture in my mind’s eye of an older guy on a beach in a tropical place getting his fishing boat ready to launch. He was preparing to take a group of fishermen out for the day, doing what he loved doing. I instantly felt that the guy was me and that I was: one, in a place that I love – and two, doing what I love!!
Being Faithful
Hey Westside,
Beginning this weekend, folks from Westside are signing up for their new Small Groups. This is part of our Biblical mandate to stick together in tough times and to be there for each other. This is something that is very important for all believers. As the Day of Jesus’ return gets closer and closer, we need each other more and more.
Coming Home
Hey Westside,
(Flying over Canada.) Honestly, this is my favorite part of any long trip. The part where Teri and I are coming home! I have been sitting over my laptop for about an hour trying to think of what to say in this blog. I don’t know if I am having difficulty concentrating because we are travelling through 9 time zones or cruising at 39,000 feet at the speed of 565 miles an hour or pondering the wonderful NCMI Team Time we had in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Then it dawned on me that I was simply excited about returning home, returning to our family and friends at Westside.
A Precious Privilege
Hey Westside,
It’s a beautiful Sunday morning with the dawn breaking over the majestic Sierra Nevada Mountains and the cool summer sky is preparing to be warmed by the coming brilliant sunshine. I have just taken my regular seat in the center of the church building spending precious moments with God before the saints arrive to prepare for today’s services.
Our God is Bigger!
Hey Westside !!
Can you believe the hot weather is finally here? I love it! There is a very exciting buzz around, can you feel it? There’s an anticipation that God is “up to something.” I don’t know if I’ve ever been at the same time, so stretched . . . and so full of expectation. Sure, these are tough times for many, but OUR GOD IS BIGGER !! He has entrusted us with sharing the good news to a lost and hurting world.