Merry Christmas

Dearest Westside Family and Friends,

Merry Christmas.  May the awesome God we serve be very present in your lives this season, bringing you hope, peace, and joy.



Dear Westside Family & Friends,

This week in Placerville we had a record snowfall. Some say it was the most in 20 years, others say it was the most in recorded history. Now, although lots of snow is great for all the skiers and snowboarders out there, it did present a bit of difficulty for others. Some had water pipes burst. Some had no heat and others still have no electricity. (Which begs the question: how can they receive this email?)


Time to Fast

Hey Westside Family,

Beginning this Sunday and for 40 days, the elders are calling the whole church to a fast.  You may have never fasted for even one single meal before and are wondering how could I possibly fast for 40 days!



Hey Westside!

Encouragement. From time to time we all need it. How often? It depends on who we are and what we are going through at the moment. But, whatever our circumstances, as believers we will always either be in a position to bring encouragement to others or receive encouragement from them.


What Makes A Great Church?

How come some churches do really well and others… not so well? Why do some churches impact their region for a long time while others seem to be… “a flash in the pan?”


From Africa!

Hey Westside,

I am writing to you from Africa!  I have the privilege of being at the New Covenant Ministries International (NCMI) team meeting where couples from many nations gather to re-group, re-think, and re-connect. I am so encouraged to hear of the fantastic and extraordinary miracles God is doing all over the earth!!