He wants our hearts
Hey Westside,
I am very happy to announce that we have a “Guest Blogger” for this e-newsletter. Please read carefully these thoughts from one of our pastor’s wives, Patty…
With Each Other
Hey Westside,
Well . . . summer is finally here! I love this time of year. I love the weather, the sunshine, the opportunities to spend time outdoors with family and friends, and of course . . . barbeques!!
You’re the key!
Hey Westside!
On the front page of our website is a poll that asks the question: “Why did you first visit Westside Church?” It is one of the most responded to polls we have ever had. The answer may really surprise you. Overwhelmingly, the response is that people did not come here initially because of the preaching. (I will have to deal with that one on my own time).
Strong and Healthy Marriages and Families
Hey Westside !
I am so excited about these next few weeks at Westside ! I will be preaching a 7 week series on “Building Strong and Healthy Marriages and Families” beginning on Mother’s Day and continuing through Father’s Day on June 20th.
I love Easter!
Hey Westside !
I love Easter! I think it’s becoming my favorite day of the year. It’s the day believers all over the world celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus. The event that changed the world forever. I love preaching on Easter too. I get to share the wonderful news that God made a way for everyone to come into right relationship with Him. It’s the most wonderful thing to see a changed life and often times it happens on Easter.
No Turning Back
I love this picture of my friends Russ and Mary Doty. I took this photo on the Golden Gate Bridge and I noticed the sign in the background, so I made sure it got in the shot as well. You see . . . when this was taken, Russ and Mary had just handed over the leadership of a very healthy church they planted in Australia, sold their home, and left their adult children to come to America and plant a church. For them . . . there was no turning back. There was no “U-Turn.” They were literally “all in” for the Kingdom.
A Healthy Local Church
Hey Westside!
Wow !! Is it really possible to be part of a strong, healthy, local church? I believe that it not only “is” possible but that it is imperative for each one of us as believers in Christ.
God takes our attitude seriously
Hey Westside,
Three types of people will read this message. The first group will read with eyes and hearts wide open – wanting to grow in God and serve Him with all of their hearts. They take seriously the words Jesus spoke when He said: “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.”
Good Stewards
Dear Westside Family & Friends,
Hey everyone! I trust that you are all enjoying the New Year and staying dry. I keep hearing the wonderful things that God is doing among us, please keep passing along these good reports. They are very much appreciated.
Happy New Year
Happy New Year Westside !!
Well, another year has come to a close. What an eventful year it has been! I trust that you are all looking forward to what God has for us in the new year.