Listening Well

“In my hand I have two USA coins worth thirty cents. One of them is not a nickel. What are the two coins?” When I was a school teacher, I loved to give my students riddles like this. The answer can always be found by listening well. . . and of course the answer is . . .


“With Each Other”

Hey Westside,

Well . . . summer is finally here! I love this time of year. I love the weather, the sunshine, the opportunities to spend time outdoors with family and friends, and of course . . . barbecues!
Webster defines “together” many different ways, but my favorite is: “with each other.” Don’t you just love that? The word “together” occurs in the New Testament dozens of times.
· they ate together


· they met together

· they worshiped together

· they prayed together

· they suffered together
In order for the church to be healthy, there must be many times where we are: “
with each other.”
This summer, we at Westside have a wonderful opportunity to be together lots. All of our Small Groups will be taking a break over July and August. We will be “re-launching” our groups in September with renewed vigor, creativity, and focus. However, during these next weeks we have many relational activities for our church body to get “with each other.” 
Please make your plans to involve yourself in as many as you can for you, your family and the health of Westside.  Always . . . remember to invite friends and family. We exist as a church for them. Our desire is to take the good things God has given us and share it with others.
Take your Westside flyers that you receive at the Welcome Center and put it on your refrigerator so it will be handy. We love you guys . . . enjoy the summer!   
Use this time to rest well – but when you’re around be faithful in gathering together and in keeping Jesus first!

Love you guys,



Go and Tell AND Come and See

Hey Westside!

On the front page of our website a while back we had a poll that asked the question: “
Why did you first visit Westside Church?” 


OK then . . . go tell someone!

I never really much liked Easter candy . . . especially Peeps®  The chocolate tasted like wax and those bright-orange rabbit-shaped hunks of erasers disguised as . . .


A Thankful Heart

While we certainly have much to be thankful for, I am often amazed at the general lack of gratitude in our culture. So, instead of spouting off about the widespread


A Grateful Heart

A Grateful Heart:
A Steve’s Blog Classic
Originally Posted on 6/17/11

I will always remember the day my brother and I became men. Paul was about 10 years old and I was 12. We were playing in the front yard on a typically beautiful Saturday morning at the house where we lived in Santa Barbara. My dad was working in the garage with his new radial arm saw from Sears when all of a sudden there came a heart stopping, thunderous cry of “ahhhh”. . . 


Don’t Look Back


I love this picture of my friends Russ and Mary Doty. I took this photo on the Golden Gate Bridge and I noticed the sign in the background, so I made sure it got in the shot as well. You see . . . when this was taken, Russ and Mary had just . . .


It Takes A Village To Make A Disciple

A body reproduces a body.

A hand does not reproduce a body. Neither does an eye or a foot reproduce a body.

A healthy local church

made of healthy believers

reproduces healthy Christ followers.


What? Me Worry?

Too much stress is not a good thing.  What do you think about most?  What might you worry about …


Hell Hole Singing

The faint sounds of singing resonate through the pitch black night as you stoop down low and feel your way through roughly chiseled solid rock tunnels.  The air is heavy, damp, and overflowing with the stench of human misery, open sewage, and death.