Hey Westside,
A few years ago my dad died. Almost 30 people including my mom, all the kids, most of the spouses, and many grandkids, had gathered at his bedside and we began to sing some of his favorite hymns. He could not speak or even acknowledge our presence, but as we sang tears began to run down his cheeks. He knew we were there and he joined in our praises to God. That evening he passed into God’s hands. It is times like these when we reflect on the things that are important in this world. Stephen Covey said that “no one on their deathbed wishes they spent more time at the office.”
There are only a few things that are truly important. Those are the things that will count for eternity. I want to encourage you to think about what those things are. Are your priorities in order? Jesus said that we should seek God’s Kingdom first. He told us what the first thing should be . . . and that is Him. Is He first place in our life? Or, have we crowded Him out because we are simply too busy and too distracted to give Him the honor and the place that He deserves? Is He just an “added extra” to make us feel a little nostalgic and warm once in a while? Is Jesus a bother that gets in the way of what we really want to do?
Why not make this Christmas Season a truly memorable one? You can. You can make Christ first in your life. Your family will be better for it. Your career will be better for it. You . . . will be better for it. Because His promise is that when we do put Him first, He will give us all those other things.
Why not give God your best gift this Christmas? You! Perhaps your gift will be to commit to spending time with God daily. Or maybe there is something God has asked you to give up (like last New Year’s resolution.) Maybe your gift to God will be to forgive someone you’ve needed to forgive for a long time. Whatever it is, make it count, make it cost something. He deserves it.
My prayer for each of you this Christmas is that you will make God the complete and total center of your life. I know He will show you the way. Read His Word. Listen for His voice. Stay close to authentic Christian community. You’ll make it, I know you will! God bless and Merry Christmas.
Love you guys,