Hey Westside !!
Can you believe the hot weather is finally here? I love it! There is a very exciting buzz around, can you feel it? There’s an anticipation that God is “up to something.” I don’t know if I’ve ever been at the same time, so stretched . . . and so full of expectation. Sure, these are tough times for many, but OUR GOD IS BIGGER !! He has entrusted us with sharing the good news to a lost and hurting world.
What a privilege!
What an honor!!
So, why is there so much going on this summer in our church family? For example:
• The Mexico Ministry Team leaves on Saturday
• The Friday Night at the Movies is a big success
• Many have been on several good hikes in our beautiful mountains
• The Westside Wheelers had 50 people on their recent 4-wheel drive retreat
• Folks have been meeting for coffee & talks and walk & talks
• Guys have been meeting for breakfast
• The youth are preparing to serve at the Live Alive 2010 Youth Leadership Conference in Canada in a few weeks
• The guys are busy planning our first Men’s Advance called “Armed & Dangerous” in less than 3 months
• My team is busy preparing for our exciting Small Group re-launch in September
• We’re doing: Kid Days, Dad-Child Hikes, C4 Camping, BBQs
• And much more!!
It’s all going on because we honestly believe that there is nothing more important than people. People come in all shapes, sizes, preferences, and destinies. We want to link with as many as God will place in our various paths. That is why we have so many opportunities this summer for all of us to connect with people. Ask yourself:
What am I doing this summer to connect with people?
Always remember the huge responsibility God has given us: “to give of ourselves for the good of others.” I love the way Eugene Peterson paraphrases this in I Corinthians 15:58:
“With all this going for us, my dear, dear friends, stand your ground.
And don’t hold back. Throw yourselves into the work of the Master, confident that nothing you do for him is a waste of time or effort.”
Stay the course this summer, friends. Rest well when you’re on vacation. Be faithful when you’re around. Love God and love others.
For Him,