Thank you Mom . . . and Mom
Many of you know that I was a foster child so I have actually had many mothers.
The Good The Bad And The Ugly: A Covid Response by Teri Barr
2020 will be remembered throughout history and we are living through it! We have the privilege of learning from it AND getting through it! Never would I have imagined that in this day and age the whole world would willingly volunteer to shut down our economy, businesses, our events, schools and church services!
What To Do In A Time Of Storm
Hey Friends!
Things are much different from just a month ago! We have never seen what is taking place in our country or the
Things are much different from just a month ago! We have never seen what is taking place in our country or the
What Are You Living For?
What Are You living for?
I imagine that most of us don’t give this question much thought on a day to day basis. Why?
An encouragement as we come to the end of 2019…
Dear Friends,
As we come to the end of 2019 and enter into the year 2020 tomorrow, Teri and I are filled with peace, contentment and gratitude. We are grateful to God for all He has done – beginning with sending His son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins and redeem our sinful lives so that we can have relationship – friendship – intimacy with God.
“Who is responsible for this whole Christmas thing?”
The story is told of a woman finishing her Christmas shopping at a crowded mall and whose arms were full of bulky packages as she tried to fit into an already crowded elevator. When she finally squeezed in with the doors barely closing behind her she blurted out in exasperation…
I Have Two Dads
I have two fathers and I’m thankful for both of them.
I didn’t know my natural father when I was a kid – he struggled with things I will never understand. His name was Hank.
Why You Don’t Have To Be Afraid Of Dying
Hey Friends,
It has been a rough week for me. In a period of five days I experienced three tragic deaths of friends or family.
First, was receiving a phone call from my niece that my sister Cindy had
I was arrested once . . .
I was arrested once . . . for about 10 minutes. I didn’t like it much. It was all a brief misunderstanding when I was in the army.
Thank God For The Bump
Yep, you heard that correctly. I have a bulge on my lower left abdomen . . . I am officially lopsided.
I noticed this several months ago and went to the doctor about it. To make a long story short: after many tests, ultrasounds, CT Scan, MRI, etc. . . . they still don’t know what the bulge is . . .
but . . .
. . . they did find a small tumor in my pancreas . . .