Hey Westside,
I was laying awake the other night and as I was redeeming the time by praying and spending the passing moments with the Lord, I saw a quick picture in my mind’s eye of an older guy on a beach in a tropical place getting his fishing boat ready to launch. He was preparing to take a group of fishermen out for the day, doing what he loved doing. I instantly felt that the guy was me and that I was: one, in a place that I love – and two, doing what I love!!
It is such a privilege to teach God’s Word to you each week. It is such an honor to be connected to such a wonderful group of folks here in this beautiful region. I am living my dream serving God and loving people. I have my best friend in the world (Teri) along for the ride as well as a terrific leadership team at Westside, sacrificing their time and energy for the single purpose of answering the call of God on our lives. I have the privilege of pastoring the greatest collage and mixture of people: artists, teachers, business owners, homemakers, nurses, first responders, public employees, students and professionals. We’ve got the young and not so young, right brained and left brained, new believers and seasoned saints, varied backgrounds, in other words . . . a wildly wonderful people potpourri!
What an awesome and gracious God we serve! He is the One who put us together. He is the faithful One. He is our forgiver. He is the giver of good gifts. He is our sustainer. He is the friend we have in times of struggle. Even if the earth gives way beneath our feet; He is still all we need!
My prayer is that each one of you will hold on – with all your might – to the One who is worth holding on to. Jesus, our Lord and our God. My prayer is that you will faithfully pray for and love (in a detectable way) that person or family God has laid on your heart. Keep showing them the kindness of Christ and living as He would live among us; showing compassion and mercy. Stay true to His Word.
God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. 10 This is real love – not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins. 11 Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other. 1 John 4:9-11
Love you guys,